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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

Key Information

JCQ Exam Documents for Candidates. 

JCQ is the membership organisation representing the eight largest exam boards offering exam qualifications in the UK. JCQ set out the rules and regulations for all schools and colleges to ensure that all exams are conducted fairly and consistently in all exam centres. These are the rules which Hilbre must follow and the rules to which all students must conform. A breach of these rules and regulations is deemed to be malpractice, and it is therefore important that students familiarise themselves with the documents below and the JCQ documents via this link.

Students should also be aware that the dates and times for all public exams cannot be changed. Any exam clashes will be managed by the Exams Officer and students will be informed about arrangements. This means that if a student is absent for an exam, the exam cannot be re-taken in that exam series and there is a process the exam boards will follow for any absent candidate. This may include Special Consideration for the exam - you can find out more about exam absence and special consideration here. 

Malpractice in exams and malpractice for coursework and Non-Examined Assessments (NEA)

It is important that all candidates understand what is defined as exam malpractice - for all written public exams and coursework units. The exam boards have given clear guidance about malpractice and all students must make themselves aware of the exam regulations. The exam boards have made the following statement for students and the link to the student guidance is below : 'Sometimes there might be issues or concerns about the validity of your work. While we don't want to see anyone jeopardise their grades or marks, we must investigate any suspected breaches and students could face a penalty if found to have committed malpractice. Make sure you understand the rules and boundaries.'

Use of AI and MalpracticeStudents must make sure that work submitted for assessment is demonstrably their own. AI misuse is where a student has used one or more AI tools but has not appropriately acknowledged this use and has submitted work for their own assessment when it is not their own. Therefore, if any sections of work are reproduced directly from AI generated responses, those elements must be identified by the student, and they must understand that this will not allow them to demonstrate that they have independently met the marking criteria and therefore will not be rewarded. Students should make sure that they understand the regulations and understand how to correctly reference their work. There is a useful infographic produced by JCQ which all students completing coursework or Non-Examined Assessments should read and can be found in the documents on this page. 

Exam Equipment 

It is important that every student is prepared for their examinations. This also means bringing the correct equipment.

The main items every student needs are as follows and can be purchased directly from our School Shop:

  • Black pens - students cannot write in any other colour. When papers are scanned by the exam boards, all colours except black will not scan clearly.
  • Ruler (short and long ruler ideally)
  • Pencil
  • Scientific calculator (the lid or case must be removed)
  • Eraser
  • Protractor
  • Compass
  • Highlighters (for use on question papers only - not the exam answer booklet)  
  • Pencil cases MUST be clear plastic 


There are many regulations for exams - these are the key regulations students must follow:

Prohibited items : A reminder that students are not allowed to have any potential technological/web-enabled source of information in their possession in the exam room. This means that they are no longer allowed to have any type of watch on them during an exam – this includes smartwatches, digital watches and traditional analogue watches. AirPods are also prohibited, as well as any piece of paper including labels or writing on water bottles.   

Mobile phones : Remember, just having a mobile phone in your possession - even if you do not use it - will lead to a total loss of marks. Using or attempting to use a phone will lead to disqualification. Please make sure that you understand the serious penalties that come with having a phone with you during the exam - your invigilators will do a final check as part of the invigilator’s announcement before each exam. 

Offensive or obscene content : Please remember that the use of any offensive, obscene or discriminatory content in your exam responses is considered malpractice. Students are responsible for all content you include, so you must understand the potential outcomes if you choose to include anything considered offensive or obscene. 

School Uniform : All exam students must be in full school uniform, in line with our centre Exam Policy. No clothing should have any logo or writing on it - this is also deemed to be a breach of regulations. Any student not in Hilbre uniform will be asked to change before they sit their exam, and obtain the minimum uniform requirements from the Pastoral team.

Exam Access Arrangements: For more information about exam access arrangements you can follow this link. Any student or parent/legal guardian who wishes to discuss eligibility and JCQ requirements should contact the SEND team :