Contact Us
Hilbre High School
Please use the 'Choose who to contact' option below to locate a specific member of staff you wish to contact.
For general school enquiries, you will be able to speak to a member of the Office Team who will direct your call or you can ask for the Headteacher's PA, Mrs Fegan.
If you wish to speak to our SENDCO, please ask for Mrs Morrey or Mrs Myers - email:
Thank you.
If you require a paper copy of any information made available on the school website, please contact the school at, and we will provide you with the requested information.
Choose who to contact (Please click to expand)
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs J Whisker | Head of School | contact |
Mr P Lloyd | Pastoral Deputy Headteacher | contact |
Mrs E Harrison | Curriculum Deputy Headteacher | contact |
Mr D White | Senior Assistant Headteacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead | contact |
Mr P Hellier | Assistant Headteacher: Head of Sixth Form | contact |
Mr J Clegg | Assistant Headteacher: Assessment and Progress | contact |
Mrs Z Morrey | Assistant Headteacher: SENCO | contact |
Mr S Britton | Assistant Headteacher: Personal Development | contact |
Mrs C Tebay |
Assistant Headteacher: Teaching, Learning & CPD | contact |
Progress Leaders: Subject
Mr T Maycox | Progress Leader: Art and Design | contact |
Mrs G Lewis | Progress Leader: Business Studies | contact |
Mrs N Matthews | Progress Leader: ICT and Computing | contact |
Mrs J Madden | Progress Leader: Drama | contact |
Mrs K Armitage | Progress Leader: English | contact |
Mrs C Long | Progress Leader: Food, Textiles, Health and Social Care | contact |
Mr S Siddall | Progress Leader: Geography | contact |
Mr A Wallis | Progress Leader: History and ITT Professional Mentor | contact |
Mrs V Webster | Progress Leader: Mathematics | contact |
Mr D Malcolm | Progress Leader: Modern Foreign Languages | contact |
Mrs E Gunatilleke | Progress Leader: Music | contact |
Mrs F Ledson | Progress Leader: PE and DofE | contact |
Miss S Fleming | Progress Leader: RE and Citizenship | contact |
Miss A Jones | Progress Leader: Science (Job Share with Mrs Docherty and Miss Rourke) | contact |
Mrs C Stewart | Progress Leader: Design and Technology | contact |
Mrs A Henry | Progress Leader: PSHE and RSE | contact |
Progress Leaders: Pastoral
Miss C Asson | Head of Key Stage 3 | contact |
Mr P Morris | Head of Key Stage 4 | contact |
Miss S Humphreys |
Head of Year 7 | contact |
Mrs M Hennessy | Head of Year 8 | contact |
Mr A Biggins | Head of Year 9 | contact |
Miss L McKean | Head of Year 10 | contact |
Miss E Stroud | Head of Year 11 | contact |
Mrs E McAllister | Deputy Head of Sixth Form | contact |
Dr A Lutton | Assistant Head of Sixth Form | contact |
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Leadership
Mrs Z Morrey | Assistant Headteacher: SENDCO and Inclusion | contact |
Ms H Brindle | Resourced Provision Manager | contact |
SENCO Admin Office | For any queries/concerns regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities | contact |
Mrs A Duckers | Senior Finance Manager | contact |
Headteacher's PA
Mrs D Fegan | PA to the Headteacher & SLT | contact |
Careers Development:
Mr P Lloyd | Contact |
Mrs A Lightfoot | Examinations Officer | contact |
6th Form
Sixth Form Office | contact |
ICT Support
Hi-Impact Technical Support | contact |
School Opening Hours for Students:
Monday: 8:45am - 3:10pm
Tuesday: 8:45am - 3:10pm
Wednesday: 8:45am - 3:10pm
Thursday: 8:45am - 3:10pm
Friday: 8:45am - 3:10pm
The total time in school amounts to 32.5 hours per week. We also offer extracurricular activities, open to all
students, that take place outside of the usual school hours.
Frankby Road
West Kirby
Wirral CH48 6EQ
Telephone: (0151) 625 5996
Email: Choose a contact from above