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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

Sixth Form

We are proud of our Sixth Form at Hilbre.

Here you will find information about our curriculum, expectations and the success that we have experienced. We are an all-inclusive sixth form and have been able to support the progress of a range of students. We have bespoke pathways for our most able students who have gone on to read Medicine, Earth Sciences and Law at Russell Group Universities. We have careers advice that has allowed our hard work and diligent students to take advantage of opportunities that have now enabled them to progress to coveted apprenticeships in the NHS and Land Rover Jaguar. We also have a support package for students with additional needs who have been successful and progressed to higher education.

We believe our Sixth Form is a happy purposeful place where all our students can experience success and look forward to meeting you,

Paul Hellier: Assistant Headteacher Post 16 Provision and Outcomes

The Sixth Form leaders have high expectations of learners, which leads to excellent attitudes. The broad, engaging Sixth Form curriculum and the support they receive means learners do well and their attendance is high. Careers education and guidance are excellent and learners are very well prepared for their next steps. All move on to further or higher education, employment or training…..

(OFSTED 2016)

Sixth Form Team

Our Sixth Form is well supported by a range of staff; our team consists of:

Mr P Hellier Head of Sixth Form, Assistant Headteacher: Post 16
Mrs E McAllister Deputy Head of Sixth Form
Dr A Lutton Assistant Head of Sixth Form: Personal and Academic Development
Mrs H Devonport Student Services & Attendance
Miss A Davoren HLTA
Mrs S Phelan Academic Coach & Mentor
Mrs C Lewis Sixth Form Administrator 
Ms Grealis Careers Advisor

We are also fortunate to be supported by Edge Hill University, University of Liverpool, University of Chester, Newcastle University, the Social Mobility Fund, National Citizenship and many others.