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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

Head of School's Welcome

I am delighted to welcome you to Hilbre High School

I am very proud to be the Head of School at Hilbre High School; a school last visited by Ofsted in 2021 and judged to be 'Good' in all categories. My passion is for all our students to be challenged and supported to achieve their very best. 

The staff at Hilbre High work tirelessly to ensure our students enjoy their time at school, work hard and achieve good outcomes.  In an ever changing education landscape our focus is fixed firmly on strategies to further improve the quality of teaching, learning, assessment, personal development, behaviour and welfare for all our young people. 

I believe fully in our school pledge ‘To ensure that every student, whatever their starting point, makes rapid and sustained progress through effective, high quality teaching, in order to achieve good outcomes within a caring and supportive environment’.


At Hilbre, we pride ourselves on the relationships forged between students, staff and families.  Our excellent pastoral system, inclusive approach to learning and our tailored curriculum ensures that Hilbre is a happy, thriving and popular school.  Staff strive to be at the forefront of new developments in teaching to ensure students receive exciting, imaginative and challenging learning experiences.   

You will have a glimpse, on our school website, of some of the experiences our young people are offered as we guide them through their education. The curriculum, which encompasses all that they experience during their school years, is so much more than a collection of subjects. Yes, of course we value traditional study, the ability to reason, communicate, calculate, analyse and to learn and, of course, we want and expect our students to leave school with the best examination results they can achieve; highly literate, numerate and articulate young people, with the ability to make their way in the world. But we want much more than this too. 

Everything we do at Hilbre is built around a commitment to hard work, honesty and growing independence. Our high expectations of every student are built into our curriculum, balanced with personal choice and creativity so that each individual can flourish within a safe but challenging framework, designed to specifically fit their needs. Should any young person falter, from their beginning in Year 7 to the end of their educational journey in our Sixth Form, we are there to pick them up, carry them forward and if they slip back along the way, we work with parents to help them catch up, be successful and have the best opportunities for a happy, rewarding future.

Come to see what we have to offer, we think you’ll be surprised.