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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

Physical Education

We aim to enable all students to achieve their full potential by catering for their intellectual, physical, social and emotional needs, so that they may, when they leave school, become active participants in society and responsible contributors to it, capable of achieving as much independence as possible.

Physical Education has much to offer in the development and enrichment of the 'whole' person. "Not to have a substantial provision for Physical Education in the curriculum would deny students their entitlement to a broad, balanced, progressive and enjoyable education" (B.A.A.L.P.E.).   It is primarily a practical subject and it is better placed than most to cater for the physical needs of children. Students learn best through their experience of movement, although observation is an important aspect of this development, which should lead to enhanced performance, greater knowledge, understanding and a sense of achievement.

This subject, however, is not solely concerned with the physical. It can also contribute to the intellectual, social and emotional needs of children.

The Physical Education facilities at Hilbre are excellent with a sports hall, gymnasium, netball courts, tennis courts, extensive playing fields and a fitness suite. All students will take part in a wide range of sporting activities in the first two years, leading to increased specialisation in Years 9, 10 and 11.

Extra Curricular Activities and Opportunities:

Throughout the year, the extra curricular activities change line with the sporting season.  We offer a  wide range of activities, catering for both recreational and competitive players.


Netball, Football, Rugby, Badminton, Volleyball, Tennis, Rounders, Basketball, Cricket


Fitness club, Gymnastics, Trampolining, Free Running, Athletics

Outdoor Education:

Bronze, Silver and Gold DofE, Climbing