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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School


Food Preparation and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition is studied by all students in year 7 to 9. Students can choose to study the subject further in year 10 and 11, as one of their GCSE option choices. We have also introduced a Vocational level 3 course in the sixth form.

As part of their work with food, pupils are taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life.

In key stage 3 students are introduced to safety in the kitchen, healthy eating and nutrition, food provenance, and food commodities. The theory and practical aspects of these areas are introduced through small, focused tasks, following a set recipe to develop confidence, experience, and a love for cooking.

Practical work and theoretical work builds on students prior knowledge, and encourages students to be confident and independent. Confidence is developed by using the basic techniques and building on them by making the dishes more complex or introducing more of the different techniques into one dish.

In key stage 4 students develop a higher level of skills in cooking and presentation as well as a greater knowledge aboutbalanced diets, food choices, healthy lifestyle for themselves, different needs, lifestyles and cultures. They also explore different food production and processes as well as food science, including experiments. Food Health and safety, and developing a greater depth of knowledge about cross contamination, high risk food, storage, different food poisoning and symptoms.

In key stage 4 we offer the vocational level 3 Food Science and Nutrition. The two year course is equivalent to an A level and is a mix of external examinations and internal controlled assessment.