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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School



Welcome to our School Governors page on which we introduce you to our School Governors.  By clicking on each Governor's name, below each photograph, you will be able to read a 'pen portrait' of each member of our School Board of Governors.

Sian Turner is the school's new Chair of Governors.

Sian Turner

Chair of Governors

Ian Sadler
Vice Chair of Governors
Mark Bellamy
Julie Williams
Co-opted Governor

Co-opted Governor

Julie Money
Co-opted Governor

Steve Ledson

Parent Governor

Julie Griffiths
Parent Governor

Laura Wilson
Parent Governor


Anne Kitchen

Clerk to Governors





Sian Turner ST Chair of Board of Governors    
Ian Sadler  IS Vice Chair of Board of Governors Community Governor Link for Curriculum and Exams
Mark Bellamy MBE Ex-Officio Governor Headteacher  
Johanna Ashworth-Jones JA Governor Co-opted Governor Link for Student Achievement
Julie Money JM Governor Co-opted Governor Link for Safeguarding
Julie Griffiths JG Governor Parent Governor Link for Post-16 Education
Julie Williams JW Governor Co-opted Governor Link for Teaching and Learning
Laura Wilson LW Governor Co-opted Governor Link for Premises and ICT
Steve Ledson SL Governor Parent Governor Link for Wellbeing

Governors can be contacted through our Clerk to Governors using the school address or

phone number ( or 0151 625 5996)

Hilbre High School Humanities College – Term of Office and Registered Interests: 2021-22


Particular Nature of Interest (Business, Financial, Material)

Start of Term of Office

End of Term of Office

Ian Sadler

Employed by Liverpool JMU University and

parent of a Hilbre Student

30/04/2024 30/04/2028
Mark Bellamy Headteacher of the school 30/04/2024 30/04/2028
Gill Williams Employee of South Wirral High School 30/04/2024 30/04/2028
Sian Turner Employee of United Learning Multi Academy Trust 30/04/2024 30/04/2028
Johanna Ashworth-Jones Parent of a Hilbre student  30/04/2024 30/04/2028
Julie Money Now retired employee of Liverpool University 30/04/2024 30/04/2028
Julie Griffiths Parent of a Hilbre student 30/04/2024 30/04/2028
Julie Williams

No declarations

30/04/2024 30/04/2028
Laura Wilson   30/04/2024 30/04/2028
Steve Ledson Link Governor for Wellbeing 30/04/2024 30/04/2028



Named business and/or personal interests with school - (spouse/relative).

Roles in other educational establishments as at autumn 2023.

Mark Bellamy Headteacher of the school
Ian Sadler Employee of Liverpool John Moores University since January 2017
Sian Turner Employee of United Learning Multi Academy Trust from October 2018 to August 2023 and Employee of Co-op Academies Trust since September 2023
Johanna Ashworth-Jones None
Steve Ledson Employee of Foxfield School since September 2007.  Wife employed at Hilbre High School since September 2006.
Julie Money None
Julie Griffiths Husband is a Governor at Holy Trinity School, Hoylake since September 2019
Julie Williams
Laura Wilson Dealings with Dalkia through employment since November 2015.  Dealings with Chartwells Catering through employment since November 2015.  Parent of a student at the school.
Helen Johnson