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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

Exams Update 2023-24

Summer 2024 examinations 

Student timetables have been sent out via email and in person to all students. All students should check their timetables carefully and inform the Exams Officer if there are any queries. Students should check the tier of entry for Maths/Science and MFL subjects. Exam rooms can be viewed on Edulink. 

Summer 2024 exam dates

The exam season summer 2024 starts with a number of practical-based exams including Art, Food Technology, Music, Drama and Dance. Dates will be confirmed in due course, but please be aware that the exam season starts in April 2024. The exam window for MFL Language exams is 2nd April - 24 May. 

The last main exam for all Yr 11 students is Friday 14th June, however there are some exams the following week for non-core GCSE subjects, with the final GCSE exam on Wednesday 19th June and the final GCE exam on Friday 21st June.

Exam Contingency Dates : summer 2024

JCQ and all exam boards set aside a number of exam contingency dates. All students should be aware of these dates and should be available to take examinations in the event of a national or other emergency which affects the exam timetable. The dates for summer 24 are the afternoon of 6 June and 13 June 2024 and the morning and afternoon of 26 June 2024. Students should therefore NOT book any holiday or events until 27th June 2024.

Exam Results : summer 24

  • GCE/L3 VTQ Exam results : Thursday 15th August 2024 
  • GCSE/L2 VTQ Exam results : Thursday 22nd August 2024

JCQ Exam Documents for Candidates. 

For all public exams, students must ensure that they are aware of all the JCQ exam requirements - this is the link to the key documents.

Important exam reminders for students and the importance of understanding exam malpractice in written exams and coursework:

Malpractice in exams and malpractice for coursework and Non-Examined Assessments (NEA)

It is important that all candidates understand exam malpractice for all written public exams and coursework units. The exam boards have given clear guidance about malpractice and all students must make themselves aware of the exam regulations. The exam boards have made the following statement for students and the link to the student guidance is below : 'Sometimes there might be issues or concerns about the validity of your work. While we don't want to see anyone jeopardise their grades or marks, we must investigate any suspected breaches and students could face a penalty if found to have committed malpractice. Make sure you understand the rules and boundaries.'

Use of AI and Malpractice: Students must make sure that work submitted for assessment is demonstrably their own. If any sections of their work are reproduced directly from AI generated responses, those elements must be identified by the student and they must understand that this will not allow them to demonstrate that they have independently met the marking criteria and therefore will not be rewarded. Students should make sure that they understand the regulations and understand how to correctly reference their work. 

Prohibited items : A reminder that students are no longer allowed to have any type of watch on them during an exam – this includes smart watches, digital watches and traditional analogue watches. 

Mobile phones : Remember, just having a mobile phone in your possession - even if you do not use it - will lead to a total loss of marks. Using or attempting to use a phone will lead to disqualification. Please make sure that you understand the serious penalties that come with having a phone with you in the exam - your invigilators will do a final check as part of the invigilator’s announcement before each exam. 

Offensive or obscene content : Please remember that the use of any offensive, obscene or discriminatory content in your exam responses is considered malpractice. Students are responsible for all content you include, so you must understand the potential outcomes if you choose to include anything considered offensive or obscene. 

Information for students and coping with exam stress and pressure:

Everyone’s exam experience is different, and we understand that preparing for and sitting exams can be overwhelming for many. Exam wellbeing support is available on many websites to help you to navigate this time – from the run-up to exams, each exam day and beyond.

There are many resources available to support students to plan and organise exam revision, cope with the pressure of exams and understanding exam malpractice. AQA exam board have produced a number of useful resources which are on their student and parent support pages to help support students. This includes information on malpractice in exams and managing exam stress.

There is also an exam stress and wellbeing hub. You may wish to view the #examspelledout videos that explain all about the assessment process from the writing of the exam papers and modified papers to what happens to exam papers once they’ve left the school, grade boundaries and results. View all the videos


Pearson has also produced a new guide for students called 'Getting ready for exams.' This is short summary of how to prepare and be ready for your exams.

Ofqual's student checklist is also a useful resource to help students prepare for public assessments and Ofqual have produced a new booklet about coping with exam pressure.

 Other resources are : 

A list of all exam subjects, exam boards and revision guides can be found in the attached documents. Contact information for all exam related querirs: Mrs A Lightfoot, Exams Officer :


All of your Teachers and staff wish each and every one of you the very best of luck with your exams this summer.