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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

School and Community Fund

All schools are under financial pressure due to rising costs, underfunded pay awards, energy costs and general inflation. We focus on retaining our highly qualified and experienced staff to ensure the quality of our education, our student pastoral care and support for our SEND and disadvantaged students.

We also continue to offer every student a broad curriculum experience, realising the value and worth of every subject, allowing our students to pursue true areas of passion.

For this reason, we wanted to reach out to parents and members of our local community to ask for voluntary donations to support the school to be able to offer our students the “little extra” that we are no longer able to afford to provide.

We recognise that your contributions would be gratefully received and would go a long way in being able to offer more extra-curricular activities over the lunchtime periods, comfortable and appealing social covered seating spaces around the site to be able to relax and eat their lunches and meet with their friends. Additional activities such as guest speakers, master classes, and fun workshops can be offered.

We also recognise the significant financial pressure that many families are facing and there is no expectation that parents and guardians will contribute to our School and Community Fund if they are unable to. This is a voluntary request only.

We will be ring-fencing a percentage of the funds contributed for the benefit of our School Community. This will provide funding to allow us to act quickly to support students, families and staff who may need financial support but have nowhere to go to ask for help, i.e. school meals, uniform, footwear, household food, bus fares etc.


How much should I contribute?

The simple answer is you should only contribute an amount that you can afford. Any amount will be gratefully received. This could be a regular monthly amount or just a one-off donation.

Please note, in ScoPay, you can change the amount that you donate.