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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

Year 7 & 8 Gymnast Success

Wirral Sets Gymnastics Competition win for Hilbre.

On Sunday 3rd April, a team of 14 students in Year 7 and 8 took part in Wirral Sets Gymnastics Competition. Between them, they won 25 medals, with every student winning at least one medal and many winning two on the floor and vault apparatus. This was a club competition, not a school specific one and Hilbre High School were invited due to Miss Mackie's links to the club. Therefore, our students were competing against club gymnasts, many of whom will receive more training time than what is possible in after school club. To not only compete at the standard of club gymnastics, but to challenge and win medals, is something each and every student should be very proud of. Top performances came from Anabelle Ashton and Zoe Kelly for winning two gold medals each and Jessica Matchett, Lilia Smith and Robyn Ledson for winning a gold and silver medal each. An additional mention should go to Mya Sutton for also winning two gold medals whilst representing Wirral Gymnastics Club. 


The students who took part were:


Pictured: Cian Halfpenny, Holly Penn, Jessica Matchett, Lilia Smith, Teeghan Smith, Charlie Joyce, Zoe Kelly, Beth Dalton, Anabelle Ashton, Maisie McCabe, Robyn Ledson. 

Not pictured: Kaitlin Hanna, Georgia Roberts, Kiki Jones.