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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

Hilbre Upskill Me

Hilbre Upskill Me

Welcome to the Hilbre Upskill Me Programme Page!

Hilbre Upskill Me is a programme designed to help you remain active learners from home and help you to develop your skills and broaden your repertoire during this time.

The programme will be in two halves: Academic & Enrichment


It’s important not to lose the key skills you have developed so far throughout your school career, especially in those subjects you wish to continue studying in the future. Therefore, from now until May half term, you should aim to complete transition tasks in subject areas you are interested in (at least 3). These tasks will be set by your subject teachers and available to view on SMHW. Activities could include watching and responding to videos, working through booklets, completing online courses or wider reading around the subject. If you do not have access to SMHW please contact the Head of Sixth Form, Mr Hellier, on


We believe many higher education providers and potential employers will be interested to know how you have used this time to learn new skills and gain new experiences, which will broaden your repertoire and give you a competitive advantage on CVs and future applications. Therefore, it is just as important to take this opportunity to develop your skill set and remain ahead of the game with regard to applying for future study of employment.

Here you will find ideas of enrichment activities in line with the Hilbre Pledges, which this term focuses on developing ‘boldness’. These may be online courses in areas you are interested in, or other enrichment activities.

Enrichment Resources & Activities

Here you will find links to websites which offer free online courses in a range of different subjects and skills – you may find these useful to get a flavour of different aspects of subjects you may wish to study in the future, or learn a brand new skill.

Each time you complete an enrichment activity, you should log it in your enrichment log (can be downloaded here) so we can keep track of your achievements and award certificates for engaging in the programme on the return to school.

Online Courses

Open University Open Learn

Search for free online courses, interactive activities and videos in a variety of different subject areas, all compiled by the Open University.

Future Learn
Browse through lists of courses to find something that you’d like to learn about. They have courses in a diverse range of subjects and are always adding more. Courses vary in length. Most are six to ten weeks long but they also have some shorter two and three week courses. Perhaps you might want to invite a friend to take part with you? You can do this via email and social media when you join.

EdX Online Courses

EdX provides access to over 2500 online courses from 140 top institutions from around the world. You can search by subject or key word to find courses you may be interested in.

Barklays Life Skills
Use interactive tools and resources to write your CV, prepare for interviews and understand your finances. This is useful for young learners to help understand things like tax, mortgages, saving and borrowing.

Skills for Tomorrow – BT
Digital skills are based on key thinking skills like being able to spot a problem or figure out why something happens. These resources touch on elements of the computing curriculum and highlight the skills children need to become digital citizens.

Yale University
In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change.

British Sign Language
A brilliant opportunity to learn sign language online – this will look impressive to employers.

Enrichment Activities

Here are some more ideas for enrichment activities to ensure you have used this time to learn something new that will keep your brain and creativity active, and also help you to stand out from the crowd!

Research a job you know nothing about

Discover a new skill using YouTube

Learn a new language

Learn an exercise or dance routine

Learn a new recipe

Make contact with an employer to get some career advice


Tutoring a sibling

Visit an on-line museum and find out facts about an area of interest

Organise and help tidy up in your household


Write a film review using real examples from the internet to help you

Set up a social media account for one of your hobbies/interests

Follow a make-up tutorial

Read a book from a recommended reading list

Join online book club