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Hilbre High School

Hilbre High School

Religious Education

The curriculum in Religious Education is constantly evolving in order to provide a learning experience which is interesting, varied and relevant to the lives and experiences of our students.

At Key Stage 3, students currently examine the key beliefs and practices of five world religions, namely Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Each unit of work is assessed by a combination of mid-term and end of unit assessment tasks which help to develop our students as independent learners as they research, select and present information relevant to the topic. A range of teaching and learning styles are used within the department and students are encouraged to examine their own views and the views of others in debate, discussion and written work.

In Years 10 and 11, statutory Religious Education is delivered with Citizenship as part of the 'Philosophy and Ethics through Film' programme.  Each term students study a different film, analysing the Religious, Philosophical and Ethical issues raised.  For example, in Year 10 we study the Holocaust, prejudice, discrimination, the concept of 'Just War' and maintaining religious faith and identity through the film 'Defiance' which deals with Jewish Partisans fighting for survival and against the Nazi regime during World War II.

GCSE Religious Studies is also offered as an option, following the OCR Examination Board specification.   Students study Beliefs and Practices in both Christianity and Judaism, together with Philosophy and Ethics.  This continues to be a popular and successful course.  Religious Studies is also well established at AS and A2 Levels.  Areas studied include New Testament, Philosophy of Religion and Judaism.  A good number of students have successfully completed the course and find the material both challenging and interesting.


Support & Extra Curricular Opportunities
Year 8 – Synagogue Visit

GCSE/Sixth Form – Auschwitz Visit

All Years – Yoga Class with CBO – Thursdays 3.30 – 4.30pm